Golf Ball Sized Tumor Threatens Life of Four Year Old Until...
Thanks to cannabis, instead of dying in palliative care from a brain tumor, four-year old William frost is heading to school.
Why Smoking Weed Gives You Red Eyes
What causes the red-eye phenomenon that you get from smoking weed, and what can you do to avoid them.
Cannabis for Arthritis: How One Plant is Being Used to Repair...
Approximately 350 million people worldwide have arthritis. Pretty shocking, given the fact that these statistics don’t even include the individuals who aren’t officially diagnosed.
NFL and players’ union to study potential use of marijuana for...
The NFL and the NFL Players Association agreed for the first time to cooperate in studying the potential use of marijuana as...
Mexicans Are Buying Legal Weed in California, Reversing a Century-Long Trend...
The changing flow of America's marijuana trade signals a shift in Mexico's overall attitude towards cannabis. During the past...
Better With Age: How Cannabis Improves Quality Of Life
There’s a growing amount of evidence that suggests cannabis may be better for you as you grow older. But, does it really...
Cannabis Combo Therapy Triples Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rate
An international team of scientists has found that adding an already clinically approved component of medicinal cannabis to standard chemotherapy can improve...
Why Marijuana Edibles might be the best option for Fibromyalgia pain.
In this article we’ll explore how marijuana edibles can help with fibromyalgia, how to use and make it, and finally some of the...
Anxiety And Stress Scientifically Proven To Be Reduced By Cannabis
What if a scientific report was released that showed that marijuana helped to significantly reduce depression, anxiety and stress? Could that be...
Cannabis Oil Replaces 22 Pills For Little Boy With Seizures
The use of marijuana is a very controversial topic in the medical community. Some well-respected doctors say that it should be used...
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