Study shows Cannabis Use Causes 45% Reduction in Bladder Cancer (& with breast and liver cancer)


The National Cancer Institute recently released its report on medical marijuana. The overview of their conclusion is, THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) caused a 45 percent reduction in bladder cancer, remission in breast and liver cancer and more.
They have determined that there is no lethal dose of marijuana. And addictive potential is considerably lower than any other medicine available.
Among their findings, they have found that cannabis is not associated with adverse pulmonary function and does not cause lung cancer or any aerodigestive tract cancers. Cannabis does not cause other types of cancer either.

They found cannabis has great anti-tumoral activity. Through their testing they have determined that cannabis is more effective than conventional antiemetics (drugs that ease nausea). And inhaled marijuana was more effective in chemo-induced nausea than any other currently available treatment.

(Editor’s note- this article is written by Wyoming News which serves an entire state. We talk of the bottom of alternatives to inhaling marijuana.. But yes, it’s true about inhaled marijuana. Granted, you can also take cannabis in other forms medically prescribed by your doctor which we describe below.

Some of their other findings are: Cannabis appetite increase at 75 percent compared to the most effective medicine that has a 49 percent increase; weight increase at 11 percent compared to the most effective current medicine that has a 3 percent increase.

In opiate resistant cancer pain, marijuana had significant pain intensity relief, substantial analgesic effects, antiemetic effects and appetite simulation.

They also proved THC to be more effective then codeine. Some 10 mg of THC was more effective then 60 mg of codeine. There was no increase of the THC dose needed in long-term pain management.

Inhaled THC was shown to be more effective in neuropathic pain than current medicine. It also showed improved sleep quality and sense of well being and less anxiety.
These are just some of the findings of the National Cancer Institute.
The federal government has made it so no state can be prosecuted for implementing a medical marijuana program. That is why the 23 states (and our nation’s capital) with medical marijuana programs are still around.

Editors Notes: This is a guest piece by one of the bigger online papers for the entire state of Wyoming. We just spent many days in Colorado learning that most medical marijuana patients who are prescribed cannabis by their medical doctors and have their red cards for medical dispensaries and pharmacies actually get tinctures (aka “CBD oil” or cannabis oil)  Depending on their illness – the ratio of CBD: THC varies. We’re doing a documentary which will be out soon. We don’t sell any products on the site (but do have links to some things on Amazon) but we may recommend some of the higher quality legal CBD oils out there that we have used ourselves.

ORE INFO FOR THE DOUBTERS who don’t believe science! 🙂

Since SO many are skeptical. Here’s the article from the DAILY CALLER. The gov site has worked on and off (big surprise) but they, one of the most mainstream sites on the internet, have done an in depth piece on this as well for all those who don’t believe science. : )
Cannabis users were 45 percent less likely to contract bladder cancer than their more abstemeous peers, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) – a branch of the National Institutes for Health.

The NCI study examined 82,050 men of different ages and socioeconomic backgrounds from 2002-2003 with the purpose of discovering any links between smoking tobacco and smoking marijuana and the risk of bladder cancer. Researchers followed up with the respondents 11 years later.

Just over 40 percent of those surveyed said they had used marijuana compared to 57 percent who said the same of tobacco. The report found that “cannabis and cannabinoids may have benefits in treating the symptoms of cancer or the side effects of cancer therapies.”

Tobacco smokers were found to have higher rates of bladder cancer. The NCI, however, wasn’t wholly positive about the effects of cannabis use, with paranoia and low blood pressure listed as potential downsides of excessive marijuana smoking.
As both the recreational and medical marijuana industry continue to grow doctors and scientists will likely increase the exploration of positive and harmful effects of cannabis

In 2013, speaking to the American Urological Association, Dr. Anil Thomas said:

We know that tobacco smoking is the best established risk factor for bladder cancer. But to date, there are no epidemiologic studies accurately characterizing the association between cannabis use and bladder cancer.

The study was careful not to draw direct causation from the results but it may open the way for further studies investigating the impact marijuana could have in reducing the risk from various cancers that scientists have had limited success in understanding.
Marijuana for recreational use is legal in Alaska, Oregon, Colorado, Washington and the District of Columbia. In total, 23 states have legalised marijuana for medical use.