Make Your Liver Like New and You will Look 10 Years Younger!


On an everyday basis, we get exposed to various toxins and pollutants through the air we breathe, the food we eat and many other things that we commonly use.

The liver is known to perform hundreds of functions inside the body. It filters, cleans and controls the blood and processes various biochemical metabolic reactions.

Liver is always working in detoxification and excretion of compounds that enter the blood stream. It helps the blood to clot and also creates energy through glucose.

Liver is responsible for dividing and breaking down substances and molecules that are exposed to the body. You must realise how important it is to maintain a healthy and functional liver for overall wellbeing of your system.

People, who are always eating junk and sugary food, should consider a detox of liver immediately. With so many unhealthy eating patterns and consumption of alcohol on regular basis, the liver loses its functionality.

The liver gets overloaded with toxins and cannot operate properly. Signs that your liver isn’t working properly may include- bloating and gas, constipation, yellow skin, high blood pressure, dark urine, chronic fatigue, heartburn, acid reflux, poor appetite, sweating, anxiety, easy bruising, etc.

The good news is that it is possible to detox and renew your liver with a simple natural remedy.

Not only this remedy will cleanse your liver, but will also make you look 10 years younger!

Let’s see a very effective and simple recipe to renew your liver:

Olive oil and Lemon Juice Detox for Liver:


  • Organic Extra Virgin Olive oil
  • Fresh lemon juice



  • Take half cup of extra virgin olive oil which is organic and add half cup of lemon juice to it
  • Shake the mixture thoroughly to make sure it is mixed properly.
  • Refrigerate or keep the mixture at room temperature.

Drink this mixture half an hour before your meals to see results within a month.

Olive Oil:

The benefits of olive oil are known extensively, it is the best all natural solution available to clean your liver.

When you consume olive oil regularly, it sends the signal to the liver to open up the bile ducts.

When these bile ducts open up to process the excessive amount of olive oil, any substance which was previously stuck inside can flow out easily.

Some people have effectively got rid of gallbladder stones from their body with olive oil. Just make sure that you pick up olive oil which is minimally processed, that is why we recommend using organic extra virgin olive oil for this detox.

Also, make sure that the oil is fresh because when under the right storage conditions, olive oil’s quality can degrade and it can lose its precious properties.

Do not pick up olive oil which is more than 2 years old. Olive oil used in this remedy is excellent not only to kick-start the liver’s cleansing but also provides other health benefits.

It has monosaturated fats which help in reducing the risk of heart diseases. Olive oil will help further in reducing cholesterol and the anti-oxidants present in olive oil will promote healthy cells.

Lemon Juice:

It contains potent levels of citric acid which helps in breaking down the food in your stomach.

As the food is getting processed in the stomach, the liver gets less work to do. Consuming lemon juice can be extremely helpful in promoting liver functionality and boosting overall body health.

Benefits of this Detox Recipe:

  • You will feel more energised as when your liver is functioning properly it will release enough glucose to keep your energy levels up all the time.
  • You can finally get rid of acne, blemishes, and rashes from your skin. This remedy will make you look a decade younger if you follow it up regularly.
  • One of the major concerns in people is to lose weight. When your liver is healthy, you do not accumulate fats in your body and can easily shed a few pounds with little efforts.


  • Since the liver removes the toxins and allergens, it makes it crucial for a strong immune system. When your liver is healthy, your immune system is also robust.
  • When you clean your liver with this method, you will also be able to get rid of liver stones to a great extent.
  • Detoxifying the liver will result in cleansing of your entire body.
  • Also, when you clean the liver, you are restoring it to its original efficiency which will make you healthier and your skin to appear brighter.
  • Additionally, bile production helps in the breakdown of fat, your body will get toned and look 10 years younger.

Post this detox, there are certain things that you can do to maintain the health of your liver.

  • Improve your complete digestive system by staying on top of your diet always.
  • If you had been eating diet which includes processed food, then we would recommend to stop doing that because that works against your liver health. Refined sugar and hydrogenated oils are dangerous for your system.
  • Consume healthy foods and herbs to maintain a healthy liver. Milk thistle is one such herb which is considered as the kind of detoxifying herbs. It will help in eliminating the build up metals in the liver and strengthen the walls of the liver.
  • Also, have enough of potassium rich foods such as sweet potatoes, tomato sauces, spinach, beans, and bananas in your diet as potassium will make sure that your liver doesn’t accumulate more toxins.
  • Try to include some raw vegetable juice in your every day diet as they are easier to digest and more readily absorbable.
  • Make sure to perform liver cleanse regularly because your liver never stops working and you are always exposed to toxins from your environment.
  • Keep an eye on your sugar intake.
  • Lastly, Include exercises in your lifestyle. Walking or other mild exercises like yoga, pilates would be beneficial.

To maintain a healthy liver and your youthful appearance, make sure that you are consistent with the routine. We hope this post was helpful!