Just One Puff of CBD Could Ease Depression, Stress and Anxiety


New research shows that cannabis could improve mental well-being by significantly reducing stress, anxiety and depression. Moreover, a single puff could produce satisfying effects!

This isn’t precisely news among the cannabis community. However, to see researchers proving what was suspected is incredibly exciting. Even more so, when mainstream and sensationalist media catches up and shares it with millions.

Not Everything is about THC

Researchers from Washington State have analyzed how different chemicals found in cannabis could affect people’s mood and well-being.

For instance, they have found that a strain of cannabis high in cannabidiol (CBD) and low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) could reduce symptoms of depression – with a single puff!

Similarly, after smoking more, patients felt reduced levels of anxiety and stress.

So far, this tells us that a high percentage of CBD and a lower one of THC may be the answer for sufferers of anxiety and depression alike.

Outside of academia, CBD is becoming increasingly popular in America and Europe, mainly for its suspected pain relieving and anti-compulsive properties. Furthermore, many people claim that CBD is helpful to ease anxiety, depression, insomnia, skin diseases (by applying it topically) and is also useful in palliative care.

However, science has much to do to validate what is mostly anecdotal evidence.

The Scientific Opening

The study mentioned above is one of the first ones that looks into the differences in weed strains and quality levels – to find what could help reducing anxiety, stress and depression.

Carrie Cuttler, the lead author, openly admits that there is very little research that has been done with components of cannabis that weren’t exclusively THC.

The users of the study rated the symptoms they were experiencing via an app – ranking it from 1 to 10. Additionally, they re-evaluated the results after 20 minutes and specified the amounts of puffs taken.

Legality and Future

In the light of weed legality sweeping America, many people use high CBD strains from home and this study offers us a scientific perspective on this specific component. When many people still believe that high THC strains are better, this comes at an ideal time.

This study is major and hopefully, it’s the harbinger of many more to come. People like me and you could use scientifically based guidance, to know what type of cannabis reduces specific symptoms.

CBD is finally getting some prime time and if government policies continue favoring cannabis, we could discover much more about this exciting cannabinoid.

Not to mention that the WHO (World Health Organization) declared that CBD was safe to use and presented no risk of addiction.